
Today is a very happy day for me.  I’ve been working in the food industry as a cook for almost two and a half years and have never actually found somebody who is willing and/or qualified to actually be a mentor to me.  There is one who fits the description, but he isn’t really available when I need him, due to amazing shit going on with him.  As of tonight, I think I have finally made a mentor possible.

For people who don’t understand my industry, let me give an explanation.  There is a hell of a lot there is to learn about being a cook and/or chef.  You can’t be the former without becoming good at being the latter.  Our industry is one of the few that still gives credence to the master/apprentice mentality.  It is really important as a beginner cook to find somebody who can act as a mentor to you, to guide you through the things that you need to learn, and teach you what you don’t know.  

It is highly unusual to not find somebody to be a mentor for you within the time that I have been working in my field.  In many ways, it has been kinda sad and depressing for me.  

There are many people who cook simply as a means to an end : they do it for the money (not that the money is great, but because they’re good at it).  I’m not one of those people.  I cook because I want to, because I love it, and because I want to be a chef someday.  For those in the second group, it is important to find somebody who can help you along in that process.  To have been working as a cook for so long without having someone in that capacity has often felt like I was spinning my wheels.  I am so thankful that I finally feel like I have a chance of making my dreams come true.  Thank you, Zephyr, though I know you will probably never see this!

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